The hotel complex «Gluhoman», Poltava
The hotel complex in Poltava in fairy style - small house of «Baba-Yaga», «Wood-goblin», «Tower-room» will always open to you doors, are ready to accept you on a lodging for the night and will pleasantly surprise with the comfortableness and originality of design!
Log small house "Tower-room" will consist of two numbers:
- Lux two-room;
- One-room number;
Small house of "Wood-goblin" is one-room number. The design of an interior of number is executed in original fantastic style. Walls, a ceiling are upholstered with an oak.
Small house of "Baba-Yaga" differs that the interior of number is made out by a birch.
In each number (room) the big double bed is installed, there are a bathroom, a shower cabin, a washstand. In bathrooms always there is a hot and cold water.
In each number disposable slippers, a disposable soap, disposable shampoo are given the visitor, therefore there is no necessity to bring with itself these subjects from far away.
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